The start of something new...

A blog- I know! I have had this itch inside me for quite some time to start jotting down my thoughts and updates on our day to day life. Mostly for me; and my family. I joke all the time that the reason I take so many pictures is because I have a TERRIBLE memory. I am typically the one with the camera, taking pictures "the old-fashioned way". I have become such a fan of bloggers--and all different types; from "mom-blogs", to affordable fashion, to farmhouse style home decor. So I figured, why not? 
Then it came time to figure out what I'm all about--and I realized, it's a little bit of everything; but mostly normal life stuff. Figuring out being a wife, mom, full-time PA, while keeping my family healthy and happy and slowing down enough to enjoy all the little beautiful moments of life. 

Why Lys & Co. Wellll, as you know my name is Alysa and those close to me often call me "Lys". Lysco came about a looonnng time ago when creating usernames, specifically an AIM username (uh, yeah you guys remember that?) and I combined Lys with the name of our family dog Brisco. Lysco was born and I have used this username for many things ever since. Then, it seemed to just kind of fit. My name is Lys, and this blog is all about those I love most, my (co)mpany. 


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