Eliam Harvey: 15 MONTH UPDATE

Eliam is now 15 months and this mama can hardly believe it. I got a notification of my "memories" 1 year ago when I posted his 3 month update, and it really brings to light how much this little boy has changed!


This kid is a total champ when it comes to food. He eats three meals per day with about 4 oz of whole milk with each meal. He might have some extra milk with an afternoon snack. It makes me so happy that he will literally try anything. We made sure to give him lots of variety early on and continue to advance his food (textures, flavors) so that he would have a wide palate for food. He loves spicy food and Mexican (just like his mama), but also cannot get enough fruit. A typical day looks like this:


  • whole milk greek yogurt + fruit OR whole wheat toast with nut butter (almond, peanut or cashew) + banana OR oatmeal + fruit

We continue to avoid eggs for the time being, as he had profuse vomiting the two times we initially introduced eggs. Pediatrician thinks he will grow out of this intolerance, but has advised us to hold off on eggs until 18 months. I cannot wait until he can eat eggs thought because they are my fav!


  • typically leftovers from whatever I made the night before OR deli meat + cheese cubes + fruit (peach, nectarine, grapes) + steamed veggies
  • string cheese OR fruit OR cottage cheese
  • whatever we are eating! We make sure to get in a serving of fruits and veggies at dinner, along with typically our lean protein and starch of some kind. 
I read this book here, and it was such a help in figuring out what were the most important things to give E. I felt like I didn't even know where to begin at first! I would recommend this book to anyone. I truly believe that creating a healthy foundation for food and eating is so important for his long term health, so I'm so glad he is becoming such a great little eater.


Eliam is now sleeping 11-12 hours per night and still taking 2 naps daily. He has been doing this consistently now for some time. Our routine looks a little like this:

7:00 am: E wakes up, eats and then plays
9:00 am: down for first nap, sleeps 1-2 hours
1-2 pm: down for second nap, sleeps 1.5-2.5 hours
6:30-7:30 pm: preparing for bed, jammies on, bedtime stories, prayers and in bed


We have our 15 month appointment with the pediatrician this week so we will see what she thinks and has to say, but really E has done a TON of developing over the past 3 months. That being said, he has always been a little late on his gross motor skills. He first sat up unsupported at 7 months, crawled 4 days before his 1st birthday, and has still yet to walk. 3 short months ago he was just starting to crawl and barely pulled up and really never "cruised" on furniture. Now he is cruising all over the place, "walks" with his walker and stands forever on his own. He just needs to gain the confidence and go for it! 
He is also now babbling constantly and we can tell definitely has words for "puppy", "up" and says dadadadadada all. the. time. Don't get me started on "mama". So we are still working on words as well. On the other side of that, his listening/non verbal communication is awesome. He puts his nuk in his crib every morning when I ask him too and will grab things and give them to me on command. He also started praying with us (folding his hands) before meals and it is the sweetest thing I have ever seen and my mama heart just about explodes. 



We love you so much, Eliam. You are such a light and joy to be around. You are such a blessing to us, and we thank God for you daily. May Jesus always shine bright through you! 


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