Fridays are my FAVorite. I'm especially lucky because I have every. Friday. off. So, when people use the term, Fri-yay; I'm like word. I love sleeping in (ya know, to 7 AM), drinking buckets of coffee, and having a special day with my little man. This Friday was the LAST before Joe goes back to school, so we made sure to enjoy it. My parents came down for the day to get their Eliam fix, which also gave us time to run errands and get some stuff done, kid-free. 

I am sad to see another summer come to an end, mostly for selfish reasons! Having Joe home in the summer is such a huge help. Knowing Eliam is home with dada is such an amazing feeling and I love picturing them hanging out during the day. Hubby is also such an amazing help with cleaning, laundry, errands, cooking; and much of that will be greatly missed as the school year starts and brings other responsibilities and commitments. Those students are so blessed to have him; and I'm so proud of all the work he does.

We got to enjoy a little (adult only) date night while grandma and grandpa hung out with E. I put on some high heels and even did my hair! Eliam had a fantastic time with G&G including a walk, bath-time, snuggles and books. I'd say it's a great start to the weekend! 


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